| 2 | 09.16 |

• Slideshow of your images (introduce your work to the class - 5 min max)

• Discussion of class exhibition/publication

• Review – camera functions, digital printing

• Shooting and editing in RAW

• Assignment #1 given - download handout and reading here

For next week:

• READ/ANSWER QUESTIONS: Class Blog discussion topic

• DROPBOX: Upload Images from Assignment #1

• BRING: All flies, especially RAW files, from assignment #1


Shooting Assignment #1

Bring all of your files to class next week:  09.23

The conceptual bases for this assignment are:

·       Psychogeography, a subfield of geography, was defined in 1955 by Guy Debord as "the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals."[1] Another definition is "a whole toy box full of playful, inventive strategies for exploring cities...just about anything that takes pedestrians off their predictable paths and jolts them into a new awareness of the urban landscape."[2](Wikipedia)

·       And the handout Theory of Dérive(read it)

What to do:

o   Set aside some time, an hour, 4 hours, a day, to wander somewhere without a destination, preferably somewhere that you are not that familiar with. 

o   Shoot at least 100 images or more (depending on how long your Dérive is) while on your trip. 


Discussion Topic #2:

Find  2 self publishing services on the web (like Blurb, Lulu, HP Mag Cloud) and list them below in the comments. Give a short description of their strengths (example: good photo reproductions, cheap, fast, lots of options, etc.)



    Kindle Direct Publishing:
    provides a guide on how to publish ebooks:https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=A17W8UM0MMSQX6
    -let the author keep 70% of the total revenue of the book
    -You keep all of your rights.
    -easy to use, DIY options.

    NOOK Press:
    video tutorials on how to use:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=vb.135404483185418&type=2
    -With no delivery fees or production costs, NOOK Press is free to use from start to finish.
    -NOOK Press lets you write, edit, and format your manuscript in one place, ensuring a professional looking eBook every time.
    -easy to use, fast.

  2. http://www.selfpublishing.com/
    Instructions well distributed
    All right reserved.
    Easy to use, fast

    This site is for people interested in writing, publishing of all -kinds and internet marketing/promotion for their books (in print/ebook or audio format.
    -Easy to use, helpful instructions

  3. http://www.blurb.com
    Instructions are easy to read.
    The author is able to upload InDesign files, and be shown a animated book preview.
    -A bit on the expensive side.

    Great for book writers, looking to self publish at an affordable rate.
    The author even gets their own ISBN number, and they offer marketing packages for the book as well.

  4. http://www.blurb.com/
    Good/appealing website design, easy to access
    Available free design tool BookSmart; plug-ins (Adobe Lightroom, Adobe InDesign)
    Versatile, eclectic style oriented, self-customization
    "Cool"-contemporary/young market oriented
    Business tools/self-promotion tools/advice available


    High quality printing services
    Ecological (Eco-labelled) company; concerned with environmental issues related to printing industry
    Reasonably priced
    "Classic", more quality than fashion oriented

  5. http://www.lulu.com/

  6. http://www.pikto.com/

    Extremely attractive and user-friendly interface.
    Provides many templates, has assistance, and overall looks to produce high quality photo books.


    Nice coffee table quality books. They provide lots of tutorials, design tools, color file downloads, and many samples. They seem to target both the everyman who wants a nice photo album, to professionals.
